PFAS Destruction – Perses
A Sustainable PFAS Destruction Process
Theia recognized early on that, while removing PFAS from the environment is important, we would still need an effective means of destroying these compounds. Additionally, this solution needs to be sustainable from both an environmental and economical standpoint. We wanted a solution that would break down PFAS compounds completely and leave nothing even remotely toxic behind, preferably without the use of energy intensive and dangerous processes like combustion or plasma. Finally, this solution needed to be affordable.
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The Perses System represents a giant step forward in the pursuit of a true destructive technology for these “forever chemicalsâ€, meeting all of these criteria. The Perses system is a biological process which was developed together with our channel partner, AMB. Our team was among the first to demonstrate that, despite the strength of the carbon- fluorine bond that characterizes PFAS, there are some microbes which are able to degrade them.
Perses uses selected microbes, cultivated for this purpose, and places them into a specially designed process which allows them to break down PFAS compounds to their basic building blocks. The process provides the bacteria all it needs to not only survive but to thrive while degrading the contaminants. The system can continuously take in new contaminants without issue while not allowing any contaminants to leave the process.
The unique design of the system allows it to perform efficiently on a wide range of contaminant loading. Perses allows the AMB microbes to operate in a far more effective and efficient manner, hastening the destruction process and extending the reach of microbial degradation well beyond what has been possible in the past. The process represents the lowest total cost for disposal and offers a truly clean method for destruction.
The Perses system was initially proven out in numerous laboratory tests. It was then operated at a pilot test scale and the performance significantly improved over the labscale testing, reflecting the importance of not only the right bacteria but an efficient, effective treatment system design.
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