
Better systems for removing PFAS from Water

Theia offers treatment systems for a wide range of flow rates and applications. For clean water applications (drinking water, wastewater discharge, or groundwater/surface water clean up), fixed media treatment adsorbers and systems are very effective and efficient.

When you offer the most effective and efficient PFAS removal media, building the best systems is a lot easier. We offer three basic types of water treatment systems for PFAS. Whichever approach you choose, our team provides you a turnkey treatment system including pretreatment, instrumentation, etc. We work with your team during the testing stage all the
way through treatment system startup and training and even offer service for the system once it is running.

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Hyperion Container
Hyperion System

Modular/packaged systems.  These systems are fully assembled, piped, wired and tested in one or our facilities. The system is enclosed in a shipping container or skid building, with heat, lights and security. Systems are shipped to the site, set in place and connected to the site with little site work required . Installation and startup are very quick and easy. This approach reduces the capital cost of the project while reducing the time it takes to complete the project

Packaged units are ideal for flow rates under 2 MGD and can be put in place temporarily or permanently with little disturbance to the site itself.

Built on site: multiple steel vessels.  For some times, building the treatment system is the best approach. Vessels and pre-fabricated manifolds are shipped to the site, set in place and assembled. These systems are based on a very well established approach for the water/wastewater industry and can treat larger flow rates which are only limited by available space and budget.

Built on site: Concrete tanks.  Concrete is a versatile and solid material for constructing larger water tanks. This design significantly reduces the cost of the project as well as the amount of time required to produce a treatment system. Prestressed concreted is shipped the site and assembled. This is a turnkey approach which includes installation and foundations. For wastewater plants, we can often utilize or retrofit unused assets such as chlorine contactors, etc. For drinking water applications, the water must be pressurized leaving the treatment system, which may mean an extra set of pumps. Overall, this approach reduces the energy usage for operating the system.

Hyperion Container
Hyperion System
Hyperion Container

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